Padua College
Baldasso Cortese
Completed in 2022
Catholic Education Melbourne
FMG Engineering
Waterman Group
Building Engineering was engaged to deliver the St Clare Performing Arts Centre (PAC) on Padua College’s Mornington campus.
The project scope consisted the delivery of a 2,500 sqm performing arts teaching facility comprised of three ‘cubes’ for music, dance, drama teaching, and learning studios.
The facility includes a magnificent, double-volume theatre with seating for over 350 patrons, and outdoor performance spaces along the eastern deck and bleachers facing the oval.
Careful acoustic attenuation was achieved within the building and installation of a significant overlay of stage sound, lighting, and audio-visual equipment has been installed.
While the majority of the building is single-storey, the theatre space will be multilevel internally – requiring a passenger lift to achieve DDA compliance.
The majority of the mechanical plant is located on the roof and has been carefully designed for acoustic attenuation.